Getting a startup launched

Chosen because of its experience marketing B2B SaaS products, Xander X was engaged by Metis in 2016 to support it with its marketing launch and then outsourced marketing.

A website was created first with supporting marketing material like stationery and PowerPoint decks. The website was very conversion orientated around the goal of booking a demo and content, design and build was completed within 7 weeks.

In parallel a Marketing Strategy 2016 was created.

Metis Marketing Materials

Launch marketing and working out what will scale

The initial marketing goal was to test fast and use data to make decisions of what is and isn’t working, scaling up the successes. This worked in parallel with creating content that would make Metis a ‘thought leader’.

Launch marketing

Xander X Responsibilities

Metis worked with Xander X’s full outsourced marketing team to undertake a range of activity including, but not limited to:

  • PPC on Google Ads, LinkedIn, Facebook, Capterra and other niche directories
  • SEO
  • Email marketing (to generate and nurture leads)
  • Set up and support with HubSpot

  • Newsletters
  • Social media
  • Advertising

  • Content marketing
  • Website CRO
  • Weekly review meetings set experiments which were quickly run, data collected and evolved based on results

“I want to say thank you so much to you and the whole team at Xander X for your support over the last year – it has been a pleasure working with you”

Jonathan Peachey | Founder, Metis

Leads, growth and a quick sale

  • Leads started coming in quickly and increased month on month
  • The website constantly evolved and new content was added on a regular basis

  • Metis very quickly shifted from standalone marketing software to all in one marketing automation software with HubSpot
  • A management decision meant that the business was sold in Autumn of 2017 to a company that incorporated Metis into its offering

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Experience with 500+ businesses since 2009